Hi everyone,
MUTTC will be hosting our 2021 AGM on Friday, October 1, 2021, at 20:00-21:30.
Current students, alumni, and the community are all welcome to attend.
The meeting agenda will comprise of two parts: first, a President’s welcome and speech on the future direction of MUTTC, followed by a Treasurer’s report and other news regarding club developments; secondly, MUTTC 2022 Committee speeches and elections. Afterwards, feel free to stay back to ask any questions and get to know us.
If you are interested in being part of MUTTC’s 2022 Committee, please click on the following links for role descriptions and applications: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uiCx7CyZxB8tgaENGV49JOFeciLMh_59Cyb2yq5T0Pw/edit?usp=sharing
MUTTC AGM 2021 Zoom link: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/88687562668?pwd=akNBM0pIV2tlVXJUMS8rMEdtbm9UZz09
Password: 6666
Closing remarks: a special thanks to Nathan for staying on the Committee as an alumni and assisting our Committee with the transition process. Thank you to all our coaches, stadium managers, and everyone who helped facilitate our club activities. And finally, thank YOU for being involved in our club in one way or another. If our other social media platforms cease to be active in future, please refer back to our Facebook page and website:
Signing off one last time.
MUTTC Committee Semester Two 2021